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What Are You Watching? Ep.9 - The Salt of the Earth, Baraka and Searching for Sugarman...

What Are You Watching? Ep.9 - The Salt of the Earth, Baraka and Searching for Sugarman...

Today’s What Are You Watching, Quarantine Edition comes from Güven in Ismir, Turkey.

The last documentary he saw was “The Salt of the Earth”, a portrait of the photographer Sebastiao Salgado and his favourite ever documentary is the legendary 90s epic “Baraka”. His choice for most WTF? The unforgettable cult classic “Searching for Sugarman”.

Güven also told us a little about the last film he shot for Turkish national television during the battle of Mirawa in the Phillipines.

Scroll down for extra info and links to all the films that are mentioned and get in touch on Facebook or Instagram to be next in the series!

What was the last documentary you saw?

The Salt of the Earth (2014) by Juliano Salgado, Wim Wenders

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What is the best shot documentary you’ve seen?

Baraka (1992) by Ron Fricke

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What ‘s the most WTF documentary you’ve seen?

Searching for Sugarman (2013) by Malik Benjelloul

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What documentary did you last work on?

Tehlikede Olanlar (Those in Danger) (2018) by TRT Belgesel

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