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The Act of Killing

The Act of Killing

Probably the most shocking film I’ve ever seen, ‘The Act of Killing’ introduces us to the affable Anwar. As he happily introduces the filmmaker to his friends and cohorts, the real picture quickly begins to form.

Anwar was one of Indonesia’s most infamous executioners during the mass killings of ‘communists’ in ’65-66. The victorious government still in power to this day, they’ve never been persecuted and are instead celebrated.

Filmmaker Joshua Oppenheimer, supported in production by film champions Werner Herzog and Errol Morris, challenges Anwar and the group to revisit their past by re-enacting their misdeeds in a film.

Title : The Act of Killing
Director : Joshua Oppenheimer
Release : 2012
Length : 1h57mins
Where to watch : Youtube, Google Play

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